

This area runs from south of Bridlington in the north to just north of Mablethorpe in the south. It includes the Humber estuary.

Much of the coastline is fairly featureless beach. Spurn Head and the Humber Estuary may provide some interesting trips on tidal water.

Times of high water

Goole: High water is 1 hours and 20 minutes after high water at Immingham Low water is 3 hours and 50 minutes after low water at Immingham.

Humber Bridge: High water is 30 minutes after high water at Immingham

Spurn Head: High water is 25 minutes before high water at Immingham

Tidal streams

Between Bridlington and Spurn Head: The south-east going stream begins at 5 hours and 40 minutes before high water at Immingham. The north-west going stream begins at 45 minutes after high water at Immingham. The speed increases from 1 knot near Bridlington up to 2 to 3 knots near Spurn Head.

Off Easington, Seaward side of Spurn Head: The south south-east going stream begins at 5 hours and 50 minutes before high water at Immingham. The north north-west going stream begins at 5 minutes after high water at Immingham. The flow reaches a speed of 2.5 knots at springs.

Humber at Goole: The south south-east going stream begins at 1 hours and 40 minutes after high water at Immingham. The north north-west going stream begins at 3 hours before high water at Immingham.

Humber at Kingston Upon Hull: The east going stream begins at 30 minutes after high water at Immingham. The west going stream begins at 4 hours and 30 minutes before high water at Immingham. The flow reaches a speed of 4.5 knots at springs.

Humber at Immingham: The south-east going stream begins at 35 minutes after high water at Immingham. The north-west going stream begins at 5 hours before high water at Immingham. The south-east going stream reaches a speed of 4.5 knots at springs. The north-west going stream reaches a speed of 3.3 knots at springs.

Humber at Grimsby: The east south-east going stream begins at 30 minutes after high water at Immingham. The west north-west going stream begins at 5 hours and 20 minutes before high water at Immingham. The flow reaches a speed of 3 knots at springs.

Spurn Head: The east south-east going stream begins at 10 minutes before high water at Immingham. The west north-west going stream begins at 5 hours and 30 minutes before high water at Immingham. The east south-east going stream reaches a speed of 4.3 knots at springs. The west north-west going stream reaches a speed of 3.8 knots at springs.

Mouth of the Humber: The east south-east going stream begins at 25 minutes after high water at Immingham. The west north-west going stream begins at 5 hours and 50 minutes before high water at Immingham. The flow reaches a speed of 3 knots at springs. Nearer Spurn Head, the flows are faster and the in-going stream begins about half an hour earlier.


If paddling in the Humber Estuary, it is worth consulting the information on the Humber VTS website.

Humber VTS upstream of Humber Bridge: Upstream of the Humber Bridge, Humber VTS use VHF channel 15.

Humber VTS Clee Ness to Humber Bridge: Between the Clee Ness 4A buoy and the Humber bridge, VHF channel 12 is used by Humber VTS.

Humber VTS east of Clee Ness Buoy: On the Humber, it is sensible to stay in contact with Humber VTS, who use VHF Channel 14 to the east of the Clee Ness 4A buoy (i.e. east of Humberston). Telephone 01482 212191.


Hornsea IRB Station: (TA 211 473) g Limited parking by the beach where the road turns sharply north. Larger car park set back slightly from the beach.

Mappleton: (TA 228 439) g Small car park with public toilets at top of the cliffs. 250m carry down to the beach.

Withernsea: (TA 348 274) g Small car park next to IRB station and slipway onto beach. Larger car park 200m north.

Easington: (TA 408 188) g Limited roadside parking near the beach.

Kilnsea Beach: (TA 418 159) g Car park with public toilets by beach

Humber, Old Goole: (SE 750 226) g Limited roadside parking, grassy area by the river. Best at high water, as the banks are muddy.

Humber, Hessle: (TA 023 253) g Car park by the lifeboat slipway. Obviously, stay out of the way in case the lifeboat is needed!

Kilnsea west: (TA 410 158) g Small public car park near the water. Usable at high water only, mudflats only covered on a spring tide.

Spurn Head: (TA 399 110) g Various options to leave cars near the beach. Seek permission from Yorkshire Wildlife Trust: 01964 659570. Be aware that the tide sometimes covers the access road - see here.

Cleethorpes Leisure Centre: (TA 314 080) g Leisure centre car park (pay and display) by slipway onto beach. Best at high water.

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